Using the Stérilor XP product line, treating your pool water has never been so user friendly.
Effective ergonomics
- A single home page for all the appliances
- Simplified pool water treatment control
- Full appliance control from a single screen
- Alert and alarm views
- 3-day history (complete history with the Stérilor XP Connect module)
- Automatic connection to the pool appliances
- Native BLE communication (Bleutooth Low Energy)
- Extension to Wifi using the Stérilor XP Connect module
- PIN code security
- Pool user management by the owner
- Rights: basic, advanced or read-only user
- If you wish, and if aghreed with your pool installer, you can ask thm to monitor and maintain your pool water
To go further (V2)
- Water treatment advice and tutorials
- Optimised setting recommendations suggested as notifications
Stérilor XP web site :